OPENING RECEPTION: September 4, 6-9 pm
SHOW DATES: September 1-30, 2021
LIVE Artists Painting & LIVE acoustic soul by Lisa Macfarlane!
Featured Artists
- Charlie Pulsipher - Cardboard Art
- Kierstin Johnson - Watercolor
- Matt Pectol - Oil Painting
- Carol Bold - Painting
- Shirley Smith - Photography
- Ashley Graph - Oil Painting
- Patricia Knott - Art Quilting
- Margaret Abranshe - Art Quilting
- Susan Grove - Painting
- Elizabeth Gunter - Mixed Media
- Shelbey Smith - Orgone Pyramids
- Megan Nelson - Textiles Art Fashion
- Anne Docksteader - Mixed Media
- Kylee Jeffs - Glass
So why the name ART AT THE END?
1. Our gallery is literally at and overlooks the Ironman race end/turnaround
2. Art is the tangible evidence of powerful moments where an artist persevered through the sweat and tears of creating despite life's challenges and times
ART can help you persevere… and thrive!
Perseverance in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.
Just like an athlete, we artists sometimes have to push through and just keep going. we have persisted, persevered, and overcome our own challenges to create and continue on.
What has inspired you to persevere?
During Ironman this September we hope to fill our walls with beautiful examples of how we have persisted, persevered, and overcome our own challenges to create and continue on.
ART Provides is an offbeat creative space for artists to network, discuss, learn, and grow together.